Weber Design Pro Individual (WDPI) is a high-performance technology for calculating and optimizing lens design. WDPI technology allows us to achieve the best mathematical solution for individual needs and offers premium lens designs.
We use a globally unique and intelligent algorithm that forms the basis for our optimized lens designs. All of our progressive designs are developed and optimized with this software tool. The result is extremly harmonious and balanced designs with exceptional optical quality and exceptionally low unwanted astigmatism.
The Weber Design 4K (WD4K) technology is based on the WDPI technology. The advanced method optimizes the lens design and increases resolution. This technology ensures extremely smooth and fluid effect transitions by repeating the design calculation several times. A brilliant, sharp, and clear view in a wide optical field is the result, which benefits the wearer.
The new Weber Design Minimal Distortion (WDMD) technology offers the world´s best trade-off between addition and distortion.
All WDMD lenses are fully balanced lenses with fast and increased fitting rates for wearers. WDMD technology can be combined with existing Weber designs for greatest freedom to create a unique design family that is both profitable and customizable.
WDMD technology reduces the unwanted astigmatism of the lens design between 30 and 40% for maximum visual comfort. Weber has already created several WDMD designs, such as our lifestyle designs: Cube Office, Cube Sport, Cube Drive.